
Best Trees for Blossom

Best Flowering Trees

One of the joys of walking through our tree nursery in spring is the delightful blossom that graces the flowering trees, with their abundance of pink and white blooms.

If you are looking for some spring colour in your gardens, we have the following muti-stem flowering trees in stock.

Magnolia stellata (Star magnolia)

Magnolia stellata in bloom

The Star magnolia is a charming, slow growing tree. A mass of stunning, bright white, star-shaped spreading white flowers in March to April before giving way to lush, mid-green leaves. slow-growing magnolia forming a compact rounded specimen, making it ideal for small gardens.






Prunus cerasifera Nigra (Purple Plum)

Prunus cerasifera Nigra blossom

This Purple Plum tree has distinctively dark brown bark and pretty single pink flowers that appear early in the spring and remain on the tree whilst the dark foliage begins to emerge, gradually fading to white and contrasting fantastically with the dark leaves.  Prunus cerasifera Nigra will tolerate very severe pruning, making it easy to maintain and therefore a perfect tree for small gardens.





Prunus yedoensis – Yoshino Cherry

Prunus yedoensis, originating in Japan, is one of the most beautiful cherries. It is an elegant, medium-sized tree which is covered with small, pink-white flowers from April onwards. They hang in clusters of 5 or 6 and have a subtle almond fragrance. The leaves emerge a coppery colour towards the end of the flowers which create a beautiful contrast to the shiny, black fruits.




Hedging Alternatives

If you are looking for a hedge alternative to a tree, then our Practical Native Mix Instant Hedge has plants that are native to the UK and as such emulate traditional country hedgerows found throughout Britain. A typical composition would include the following species: Hawthorn, Blackthorn, Hornbeam, Hazel and Common Privet – many of which produce blossom and/or fruits.


Contact Us

Email about your requirements for trees in your garden; we can supply and plant many types of attractive trees.


Ilex aquifolium 'Nellie R Stevens' - Holly 'Nellie R Stevens' An evergreen holly with smooth rather than spikey leaves and bright red autumn berries
Our Top 23 Trees That Are Looking Good Now

Our Best Looking Trees

We select the best quality specimen and semi mature trees and then carefully nurture these at our Tree Nursery in Iver, Buckinghamshire. This means that you will have the best trees for your garden project.

Looking Good Now

The specific trees listed below are looking particularly fine at the moment, and are ready for planting now.

Arbutus unedo – Strawberry Tree
An attractive evergreen tree offering year-round interest with its flowers, fruit, leaves and bark.
Standard specimen, girth 10-12cm and currently 3m high Price £282

Betula utilis ‘Jacquemontii’ – West Himalayan Birch
An elegant deciduous birch tree with bright white bark that peels each year and dark green foliage that turn golden yellow in autumn. Multi-stemmed specimen is 5-5.5m height with a spread of 4m Price £278

Cornus controversa ‘Variegata’- Wedding Cake Tree
These deciduous trees grow in distinct layers with each new year of growth, and the creamy flowers hang in clusters from the tree. Standard tree 3.5-4m high Price  £1395

Cupressus leylandii – Leyland Cypress pleached
These pleached Leylandii are an effective evergreen screening choice for smaller spaces, but it must be regularly maintained and clipped to ensure they are contained for shape and space
Pleached tree 2.1m clear steam and 3-3.5m high Price £838

Elaeagnus ebbingei Vivelog – Oleaster
Highly regarded for its sweet fragrance and tiny bell-shaped white flowers in late summer, this evergreen tree also has small orange berries in the winter and variegated foliage
Standard tree is 3m high with 1.8m clear stem Price £414

Eriobotyra japonica – Loquat
This evergreen tree has a beautiful scent and produces white flowers that last from winter through to spring
Standard tree 1.9m clear stem and 18-20cm girth 3m high Price £838
Half standard with 1m clear stem and 18-20cm girth 2.5-3m high Price £469

Fagus sylvatica – Beech pleached
A popular native deciduous tree that retains its leaves throughout the winter months. The leaves are fresh green in the spring, turning golden in the autumn
Pleached trees have 1.6m clear stem, girth 30-32cm and height is 3-3.5m   Price £850

Ilex aquifolium ‘Nellie R Stevens’ – Holly ‘Nellie R Stevens’
An evergreen holly with smooth rather than spikey leaves and bright red autumn berries. We have these trees in both pleached and standard formats
Pleached 12-14cm girth 3.5m height Price £927
Standard 12-14 girth 3.5-4m height Price £476
Standard 14-16 girth 3.5-4m height Price £523

Ligustrum japonicum – Japanese Privet pleached
A compact, small evergreen tree with shining olive-green leaves and large panicles of white flowers in late summer.
This tree is available in various sizes:
Pleached 8-10cm girth Price £302
Pleached 10-12cm girth Price £662
Pleached 16-18cm girth Price £877
Standard 20-25 girth Price £670

Magnolia grandiflora Gallisoniensis- Magnolia Bullbay pleached
An evergreen with extravagant, fragrant white flowers. We have this stunning tree as pleached and clear stem standards.
Pleached tree 10-12cm girth Price £503
Pleached tree 14-16cm girth Price £938
Pleached tree 16-18cm girth Price £1139
Standard tree 14-16cm girth Price £772
Standard tree 20-25cm girth Price £1425

Pinus sylvestris – Scots Pine
A large native, long-lived evergreen tree with blue-green needles (when young) and attractive craggy bark.
Feathered tree 2-2.5m high and 2-2.5m spread Price £251

Prunus laurocerasus ‘Novita’ – Cherry Laurel
A popular evergreen screening tree with large shiny leaves.
Standard tree 14-16cm girth Price £497
Standard tree 16-18cm girth Price £596
Standard tree 18-20cm girth Price £729
Standard tree 20-25cm girth Price £828

Prunus lusitanica – Portuguese laurel
An attractive evergreen with slender leaves. It can produce small, white, sweet-smelling blossom.
Feathered 2.5-3m high Price £251

Taxus baccata – Yew
A native British evergreen conifer that is a fine specimen, it will need trimming to maintain its shape and desired size. We have two special specimens
Pleached 0.6m clear stem 0.7m wide 3.5m+ high Price £546
Cone Topiary Price £550

Thuja plicata ‘Excelsa’ – Western Red Cedar
A slender, fast growing evergreen tree with a conical shape. It can be left natural or pruned to create evergreen screening. We have these trees available as a column or in feathered formats
Column 3m+ Price £177
Feathered height 5-5.5m Price £451

Trachelospermum jasminoides – Star Jasmine on metal screen
An attractive self-twining evergreen climbing shrub with clusters of fragrant white star-shaped flowers in spring, early summer. Two screens of each height
1m wide by 1.5m high Price £268
1m wide by 2.2m high Price £603

Trachycarpus fortunei – Chusan palm
Hardy tropical evergreen palm with large fan-shaped leaves, Ideal for bringing an exotic flair to your garden.
Large specimen is over 6m high Price £850

Special Offer

A 20% discount will be applied to ex VAT orders of trees worth a total of £3000 or more.
The discount applies to the tree stock value of the order only, not to delivery and planting etc.

Contact us for details

Please email or call 01753 652022 for more information.

Flowering Cherry Blossom tree
Flowering Trees

Spring into Blossom

One of the joys of walking through our tree nursery in spring is the delightful blossom that graces the cherry trees, with their abundant pink or white flowers. Crab apple and Magnolias are in full bloom too.

Orchard Blossom

The National Trust recently conducted a survey, and found that more than half of the orchards in England and Wales have been lost since 1900. The Trust is encouraging people to plant more blossoming trees and believe that planting native and historic varieties, and other trees such as blackthorn and hawthorn, are vital to supporting nature. They are committed to planting and establishing 20 million trees across England, Wales and Northern Ireland by 2030, including four million blossom trees.

Bring Back The Blossom

The colourful display of springtime blossom has been part of British folklore and culture for centuries, with fruit trees in orchards among the first to bloom.

Traditional orchards can support wildlife, such as flies, bees, bats and birds. The knotted trunks and branches of trees provide a home for patrolling bats; while flowers are a food source for pollinating insects.

You can help to bring back the blossom by planting flowering trees in your garden. There are trees to sort all sizes of gardens, from small family gardens to larger plots that could accommodate an orchard.

Top Blossom Trees

If you are looking for some spring colour in your gardens, we can recommend the following Flowering Trees to consider.

Prunus x subhirtella ‘Autumnalis’

This ornamental winter flowering cherry tree produces semi-double white flowers intermittently from November to March when the weather is mild. It also has good orange/yellow autumn colour.

Prunus Accolade (Flowering Cherry)

The Accolade Cherry is a gorgeous deciduous tree that takes a spreading habit. It’s one of the earliest cherry trees to blossom its semi-double flowers. Beginning with a beautiful pale pink, then fading to a much lighter colour of pink mid autumn.

Prunus cerasifera Nigra (Purple Plum)

This Purple Plum tree has distinctively dark brown bark and pretty single pink flowers that appear early in the spring and remain on the tree whilst the dark foliage begins to emerge, gradually fading to white and contrasting fantastically with the dark leaves.

Malus evereste (Crab apple ‘Evereste’)

Malus Everesteis a conical apple tree with delightful spring blossom. The flowers are red in bud but open up into a profusion of white flowers. In autumn it bears masses of red-flushed, orange-yellow fruits.

Magnolia stellata (Star magnolia)

The Star magnolia is a charming, slow growing tree. The buds open up to spreading white flowers in March to April before giving way to lush, mid-green leaves.

Magnolia kobus (Northern Japanese magnolia)

This hardy magnolia that has a profusion of large, white flowers which can grow as early as March on bare stems and can reach up to 10cm across.

Hedging Alternatives

If you are looking for a hedge alternative to a tree, then our Practical Native Mix Instant Hedge has plants that are native to the UK and as such emulate traditional country hedgerows found throughout Britain. A typical composition would include five of the following seven species: Hawthorn, Blackthorn, Viburnum opulus (Guelder Rose),  Hornbeam, Hazel, Dogwood, and Field Maple – many of which produce blossom and/or fruits.


Look out for #BlossomWatch on social media – and if you would like to add some flowering trees to your garden, please email us

Large trees newly planted in a garden
After The Storm Trees

After the Storm!

If your garden is looking a little worse for wear after the recent storms, we may be able to help!

We have a range of mature specimen trees that may be a perfect replacement for any of yours that have been damaged or blown over. Also, if your fence panels have taken a battering, you could consider replacing them with our Practical Instant Hedge™.


Semi-Mature Trees

We have a range of trees available at our nursery in Iver, both evergreen and deciduous. We also source top quality trees from across Europe, so our customers have the best trees available.

Our trees are supplied in a range of sizes:

  • Girth measurement of 18cm to 100cm i.e. measurement around the tree stem at 1m high, for clear stemmed trees
  • Heights of 2-12m for feathered evergreen trees

Instant Hedges

We have over 20 years’ experience in developing, maintaining, and planting instant hedging, including own Practical Instant Hedge™ which is grown in 1m long pieces here at our nursery in Iver, Buckinghamshire. This hedging provides immediate impact and maturity to many private gardens and landscaping projects.

Our Instant Hedges are:

  • pre grown and sold by the linear metre, rather than as individual plants
  • available to plant all year round
  • supplied between 0.8m to 2m high

The Complete Service

We offer a truly comprehensive service, from planning, preparation, and planting to aftercare.

Contact our horticultural team for more details

BBC coverage Chelsea trees
Trees at RHS Chelsea Flower Show 2019

Specimen Trees at RHS Chelsea Flower Show

There was a strong green colour scheme at this year’s RHS Chelsea Flower Show and the BBC coverage showed many of the talented garden designers’ creations. Once again, Monty Don, respected gardener and broadcaster chose his favourite Trees from this year’s show.

Including the impressive resident avenue of London Plane trees, these specimen trees that stood out:


Hornbeam treesAndy Sturgeon used large Hornbeams in the woodland feature of his M & G Garden, which was inspired by nature’s power to regenerate. This Gold medal winning garden also received the Best Show Garden award.

Carpinus betulus (Common Hornbeam) is a native tree. It has bright green leaves which turn a shining yellow through to brown in the Autumn. Hornbeam often retains these brown leaves through the Winter and into the Spring.


Many large unclipped evergreens were left to their natural best in these Show Gardens:

Altas CedarAtlas Cedar in Wedgwood garden

Jo Thompson reflected 260 years of history in her Wedgwood Garden, creating an impressive architectural arched structure, and used textural and structural trees to line the boundary, including Atlas Cedar. The garden was awarded a Silver Gilt medal

The Cedrus atlantica is a fast growing tree, named after the Atlas Mountains in Morocco and Algeria, from where it originates. This imperial tree can reach 30 metres in height, with branches that growing horizontally from the base of the tree all the way up to the top.


Monkey puzzleMonkey puzzle tree

Jonathon Snow’s silver medal winning Trailfinders garden was inspired by the temperate rainforests of South America, where the Monkey puzzle is a native tree.

Araucaria Araucana (Monkey puzzle) is a stately slow growing evergreen and structural tree, well known for its distinctive long slender branches densely covered with overlapping spiking leaves.


Black pine

Black pine tree

Centre stage of Chris Beardshaw’s Morgan Stanley Garden is the Black Pine. This Gold medal winning garden is inspired by the UK’s love of beautiful gardens.

The Black, or Austrian Pine is a rich, robust evergreen tree, with deep green glossy needles and a picturesque (and usually) rounded growth habit.

Pinus nigra is excellent in exposed and coastal areas, and makes the perfect selection for wind break planting and protection from the sea.


Semi-mature trees can make a real statement in your garden; why not browse our Tree Finder or ask us about our in stock availability.

Please either fill out the contact form, email or call us on 01753 652022

Japanese Maple
The Best Autumn Trees With Beautiful Colours [12 trees we recommend]

The Best Trees for Beautiful Autumn Colours

The Best Autumn Trees are great for gardens, creating structure and seasonal interest, with the following trees offering beautiful autumnal colour.  Position such trees well and they will make an ideal focal point, that they can be enjoyed now and for future generations.

We have a range of quality trees for suitable as specimens, screening or for small gardens; just ask our horticultural experts.

Here is a selection of our top trees for colourful displays in your autumn garden. When choosing a tree, consider the space you have available, planting a selection of trees, if space allows, can provide rich contrast and seasonal interest.

Trees offering great autumn colours

  1. Acer palmatum (Japanese Maple)Best Autumn Trees
  2. Acer rubrum (Red Maple)
  3. Amelanchier Ballerina (Serviceberry Ballerina)
  4. Betula utilis jacquemontii (West Himalayan Birch)
  5. Cercidiphyllum japonicum (Katsura Tree)
  6. Euonymus europaeus (Spindle)
  7. Fagus sylvatica (Common beech)
  8. Ginkgo biloba (Maidenhair tree)
  9. Liquidambar styraciflua (Sweet Gum)
  10. Malus tschonoskii (Chonosuki crab)
  11. Nyssa sylvatica (Tupelo/Black Gum)
  12. Sorbus aucuparia Joseph Rock (Rowan Joseph Rock)


Acer palmatum (Japanese Maple)

Japanese Maples are prized for their gorgeous foliage, deeply lobed leaves, which emerge a vivid green and turn to shades of red, orange and yellow in autumn. Acer palmatum is an excellent choice for smaller gardens, as it grows to around 5m.


Acer rubrum (Red Maple)

These Red Maple trees are renowned for their spectacular scarlet autumn hues which emerge a pale yellow in spring gradually darkening to dark green in summer, turning bright red in autumn. The winter twigs have a red hue, as do its tiny spring flowers, providing additional interest.


Amelanchier Ballerina (Serviceberry Ballerina)

This tough, hardy small tree has masses of spring flowers. The bright green leaves turn brilliant red in the autumn, emerging in conjunction with rounded fruits which are initially red in summer before turning black in the autumn. Also known as June Berry or Serviceberry Ballerina


Betula utilis jacquemontii (West Himalayan Birch)

The bright white bark of this elegant himalayan birch tree peels each year, revealing the next layer of perfectly accentuated by lenticels lines. Its delicate, dark green foliage turn golden yellow in autumn.


Cercidiphyllum japonicum (Katsura Tree)

This tree has pretty foliage that emerges bronze in spring before turning light green in the Summer. Autumn brings brilliant displays of orange yellow and red, accompanied by the smell of burnt sugar and candy floss which drifts gently in the breeze.


Euonymus europaeus (Spindle)

A small spreading tree, the Spindle has small yellow flowers, followed in autumn by 4-lobed red fruits which split to reveal orange seeds. The narrow leaves are dark green in summer turning yellow-green to reddish-purple in autumn.


Fagus sylvatica (Beech)

Beech tree’s small leaves are a fresh green when they emerge and become a stunning orange-copper and gold in autumn, which often hang on the tree throughout winter.


Ginkgo biloba (Maidenhair tree ‘Autumn Gold’)

The Maidenhair Tree has bright green fan-shaped leaves. In autumn time, these wonderfully shaped leaves turn a clear and bright yellow and work well planted in contrast with other species that will give red autumn colour.


Liquidambar styraciflua (Sweet Gum)

Liquidambar produces large, 5-7 lobed, star-shaped leaves which emerge bright green in the spring then changing to fabulous red, purple and gold colours throughout the autumn; Liquidambar is one of the very best trees for autumn colour and one of the last deciduous trees to drop its leaves.


Malus tschonoskii (Chonosuki crab)

In the spring the young leaves of this tree emerge almost white. They have many spectacular shades in Autumn, from purple and copper through orange to yellow. The winter buds are a remarkable brownish-red colour and glossy.


Nyssa sylvatica (Tupelo)

The Tupelo or black gum is a wonderful tree for autumn foliage with its green summer leaves turning fiery red/ and orange in autumn.


Sorbus aucuparia Joseph Rock (Rowan Joseph Rock)

This Mountain Ash has small, narrow dark green leaves that turn a flame red in the autumn time.  The creamy white flowers hang in clusters, appearing around May-June.  These are followed by interestingly creamy yellow berries, whose colour contrasts fantastically with the bright red autumn colour.


Semi-Mature Trees Common lime tree
Semi-Mature Trees at RHS Chelsea Flower Show 2018

Semi-Mature Trees at RHS Chelsea Flower Show 2018

There were very many beautiful gardens at this RHS Chelsea Flower Show and the BBC coverage showcased many of the designs. Monty Don, respected gardener and broadcaster chose his favourite Semi-Mature Trees from this year’s show; all of them spectacular specimens:

Morus nigra (Black Mulberry)

Centre to Paul Hervey-Brookes’s The Viking Cruises Wellness Garden is an aged mulberry tree, which designer Paul Hervey-Brookes has been nurturing for the last five years.

The Black Mulberry is a pretty, deciduous tree that is native to South Western Asia. It has very bright green leaves that are heart-shaped and have a serrated looking edge to them.  The bark is gnarly, giving even younger trees an old and historic appearance. As a mature tree, the Black Mulberry has a spreading, rounded shape to it which is almost domed, giving it a wide appeal architecturally.

The fruits emerge throughout the summertime, ripening towards the end of this period to be deep purple in colour and loganberry like in appearance. This tree will tolerate most soil conditions, preferring a lighter well-drained soil.
The Viking Cruises Wellness Garden is a space inspired by the spa and the idea of living well, both of which are intrinsic to the Nordic way of life. The garden is imagined to belong to a single person or couple and is a place in which to relax, feel at home with nature, unwind and recharge from the stresses of life. It is rich with traditional Nordic herbal and culinary plants, many of which are resurgent in Norway and Sweden.

Punica granatum (Pomegranate)

Sarah Price used Punica granatum (Pomegranate) for the M&G Garden

The M&G Garden is a romanticised haven designed for a warm, sunny climate. It expands on a timeless idea that a wall, a tree and a seat can create an intimate and beautiful place of repose. Using Mediterranean flora and raw materials dug directly out of the earth (clay, aggregate and pigment), the space celebrates the expressive language of colour, texture, light and shadow. The stand-out plants in the garden are a pair of beautifully gnarled old pomegranate trees.

Betula nigra (Black birch)

Trees take centre stage of Chris Beardshaw’s Morgan Stanley garden for NSPCC with a Betula nigra giving a genuine sense of maturity to the garden, allowing ground level planting to soften the rest of the space.

This tall tree forms a pyramidal shape, often having multiple trunks, with deeply ridged, dark brown bark. Younger trees have a uniquely flaky, orangey-red bark, which peels away from the tree without detaching. Foliage consists of soft, green rhombus-shaped leaves and yellow-green catkins are produced in April.

Designed to raise awareness of the work of the NSPCC, this garden’s design is a metaphor for the emotional transition that takes place in a child as they experience the positive impact of the NSPCC’s work

Tilia x europaea

Tom Stuart-Smith used a huge Tilia europaea in the Garfield Weston Foundation garden.

Tilia europaea is an impressive, fast growing tree which has a broad crown at maturity. It has fragrant yellow flowers that hang in cymes, whilst it’s lush green leaves turn a vivid yellow just before they fall in autumn. This is a tough tree, thriving on most soils, and is frost hardy. It is good for urban areas and is wind resistant.

Celebrating 60 years of the Garfield Weston Foundation, The Weston Garden is a private, enclosed and romantic space that emphasises the simplest and most enduring characteristics of a private garden


Prunus avium plena blossom
Top 10 Trees for Small Gardens
Trees specimen and semi mature
Top Quality Containerised Trees

Top Quality Containerised Trees

Available for Planting Now

Comprehensive Range

Practicality Brown’s tree nursery specialises in large trees, both evergreen and deciduous. With a combination of home grown and outsourced specimen and semi mature trees, we offer a broad range which includes many native UK species; trees that are suitable all occasions.

Containerised Trees

We have an excellent selection of beautiful trees that are available in containers and are ready to plant now, ahead of the traditional root ball season. These trees are in girth sizes 20cm to 65cm, up to 8m high.

All our acclimatised containerised stock has been carefully tended to at our nursery to ensure it is ready for delivery in perfect condition. We continually monitor conditions to ensure that trees are in the peak condition for planting, paying close attention to bio security and plant health management.

From delicate Acers (Maples), fully feathered Magnolia grandiflora to pleached Quercus palustris (Pin Oaks) and classic English Yew, there is something on the list for everyone.

Magnolia grandiflora fully feathered

Magnolia grandiflora

Image of a Yew Taxus baccata 1.5m element

Yew Taxus baccata 1.5m elements

Quercus palustris Specimen tree

Pleached Pin Oak

The trees detailed on this list are those we currently have in stock at our nursery; the heights and girths reflect actual sizes of these individual trees. The availability can daily, so please call to confirm availability of particular stock.  All prices shown are ex vat and exclude delivery, please use our enquiry form to request a detailed quotation.

We would be delighted to see you at our nursery in Iver, Buckinghamshire; please make an appointment to ensure one of our team are available to show you around.  We are located near to M4, M25 and M40 junctions, about 6 miles from Heathrow Airport and 15 miles from London and just 1 mile from Iver Station, with trains from London Paddington.

We look forward to welcoming you onto our nursery soon.

Root-balled Trees and Transplanting

Bare root trees

Autumn heralds wonderful colours and falling leaves but for growers the cooler soils signify the ideal time to start transplanting trees and shrubs. Specimen trees, typically too large for containers, are systematically transplanted by skilled growers and root-balled with a compact root system, which enables trees to be re-located without stress or shock. This process continues into the winter when the trees are fully dormant making it perfect to transplant them.

Practicality Brown’s preferred growers throughout UK and Europe are now preparing and shipping  those trees selected and reserved during the summer, either to our nursery in Iver or direct to site to satisfy clients requirements.

These trees have their root system carefully enclosed and held in place with wire-wrapped hessian, which ensures the soil remains in contact with the roots throughout lifting, transportation and planting operations. Our root-ball trees have been prepared by being ‘undercut’ i.e. root pruned or transplanted several times (every 3 years for Deciduous and 4 years for Evergreen) to encourage the development of a fibrous root system.

The root ball season is now open; please call us to discuss your requirements. We can advise on preparation, planting and aftercare too.