Deciduous Trees

Recommended Deciduous Trees

What are deciduous trees?

While evergreen trees keep their leaves all year round, deciduous trees lose their leaves in autumn. Deciduous trees usually have attractive features such as decorative bark, flowers, coloured foliage or autumn fruits, and their shape and form create height and structure within a garden, many of which make great trees for small gardens. One of the loveliest sights in autumn is the colour of leaves on deciduous trees as they turn red, orange and gold before being lost. The discarded leaves can be gathered up in autumn to make a nutritious leaf mould.


Trees can be immensely valuable for wildlife too, providing nesting sites as well as song posts and shelter for birds. Flowering trees attract pollinating insects, while autumn fruits, seeds and nuts provide food for a wide range of birds and mammals.


Tree sizes

We have a wide variety of semi-mature trees in a range of sizes:

  • Girth measurement of 18cm to 100cm i.e. measurement around the tree stem at 1m high, for clear stemmed trees
  • Heights of 2-12m for feathered trees


Our recommendation for the best deciduous trees to plant in your garden

Betula utilis ‘Jacquemontii’

Betula utilis Jacquemontii’ is a West Himalayan Birch, also known as Himalayan Birch or Kashmir Birch that is known for its bright white bark that peels each year.  There are yellowy brown catkins in early spring up to 12cm in length and the delicate, dark green foliage turns golden yellow in autumn. A versatile tree which is tolerant of most soil types and can be planted effectively as a single focal specimen or in groups to exaggerate the effect of the gleaming white bark.

Ideal Conditions: Grows well in most soils, prefers a sunny location
Maximum Height: 18 metres


Betula pendula

The elegant Silver Birch Pendula produces light green foliage that shoots early and becomes orange-yellow in the autumn. In spring, it yields yellow catkins, around 5 cm in length. Its main branches are long and often grow horizontally, creating a semi weeping habit. This is a hardy tree which is frost resistant and regularly the first to grow back on bare or damaged land.

Ideal Conditions: Not suitable for conditions with compact soil, prefers to be in sun
Maximum Height: 20 metres


Prunus ‘Kanzan’

The Kanzan cherry tree is native to Japan, China and Korea. This beautiful flowering cherry produces an abundance of dark pink, densely filled blossom, which flower from deep red buds in May, making it a very popular variety. The large leaves appear red at first, and slightly darken before becoming a radiant green by summer. In autumn the foliage turns a coppery-yellow before falling. The RHS has given this tree an Award of Merit.

Ideal Conditions: Grows well in almost all well-drained soils
Maximum Height: 10 metres


Malus ‘Evereste’

Malus Evereste is a conical apple tree with delightful spring blossom. The flowers are red in bud but open white. In autumn it bears masses of red-flushed, orange-yellow fruits, which hang on through the winter. This variety is one of the most disease resistant crab apples, and will also tolerate pollution.

Ideal Conditions: Grows well in almost all well-drained soils. Full sun is preferred, although partial shade is tolerated
Maximum Height: 5-10 metres


Carpinus betulus

Carpinus betulus (Common Hornbeam) is a native tree. It’s bright green leaves turn bright yellow through to brown in the Autumn. Hornbeam often retains these brown leaves through the Winter and into the Spring.  Left to its nature state in a parkland setting, Hornbeam grows to be a large tree and looks good in groups.  However, it can be pruned and clipped into shape. It is a tough tree and regenerates well.

Ideal Conditions:  Tolerates a wide range of conditions.

Maximum Height: 12m+


Amelanchier lamarkii

Amelanchier lamarckii  is an attractive tree for all seasons. In spring, its at its most beautiful whilst in bloom, with vast amounts of white, star-shaped flowers. From July to September, it yields small, rounded fruits, which are a deep red in colour and sweet in flavour. Its leaves emerge as a russet shade, changing to green by spring and then to an orange/scarlet as autumn advances. It is a hardy plant that is frost resistant and has been given the Award of Garden Merit (AGM) by the Royal Horticultural Society.

Ideal Conditions: Moist-to-dry, well-drained, lime free soils
Maximum Height: 5-7 metres


Tips on planting deciduous trees

  • Autumn, winter and early spring are the best times to plant trees, so they can settle in and make root growth without the stress of supporting leafy growth
  • During the dormant season, the range of trees available is wider as they can be bought bare-rooted – dug up straight from nursery fields – with the bonus of avoiding plastic pots
  • Container grown trees can be bought and planted in spring and summer but must be kept watered during their first growing season
  • Always plant a tree at the same depth as it was growing previously. Put a piece of wood across the hole to get the level right
  • Stake and tie the tree for the first couple of years until well rooted

If you need assistance we can also plant the trees we supply.


More Information

If you would like to know what tree might be suitable for your garden, contact our Horticultural team who will be able to advise you.


Evergreen Trees

Recommended Evergreen Trees

What are evergreen trees?

Evergreen trees and shrubs keep their foliage all year round, in contrast to deciduous trees, which usually lose their leaves in autumn.

That makes evergreen trees particularly useful in gardens with the foliage and shape having a consistent look all year round. As well as ornamental appeal, this consistency makes evergreens particularly good as screening trees to create privacy in the garden. In addition, the evergreen foliage offers valuable shelter for birds and other wildlife in winter. Evergreen trees come in a range of sizes, and several are excellent trees for small gardens.


Tree sizes

We have a wide variety of semi-mature trees in a range of sizes:

  • Girth measurement of 18cm to 100cm i.e. measurement around the tree stem at 1m high, for clear stemmed trees
  • Heights of 2-12m for feathered evergreen trees


Top 5 best evergreen trees to plant in your garden


Magnolia grandiflora Gallisoniensis

Magnolia grandiflora Gallisoniensis or Bull Bay Magnolia produces beautiful, large, sweet citrus smelling white flowers in the summer, which can be up to 25 cm in diameter. At maturity this tree becomes broad with round headed, bushy habit which makes it brilliant for screening as well as an attractive feature.

Ideal Conditions: Grows well in most soils, must be sheltered and not north-facing.

Maximum Height: 15 metres


Ilex aquifolium Nellie R Stevens

Ilex aquifolium Nellie R Stevens (Holly Nellie R Stevens) has lustrous green glossy leaves are more smooth than spikey. Its  orange / red berries, which brighten up the garden as well as providing food and nesting for birds. It is ideal for screening due to its symmetrical habit, density and lack of pruning requirements.

Ideal Conditions: Grows well in well-drained soil, is drought tolerant, needs sun-partial sun

Maximum Height: 2-3 metres


Photinia Red Robin

Photinia fraseri Red Robin is a versatile evergreen suited to the UK environment; it makes a fine tree with a rounded growth habit which responds well to pruning.  The Red Robin’s stand out feature is the vibrant red new shoots in spring, which contrast with the white blossom – unusual in an evergreen.  The bright new leaves change to a deep, glossy green as they mature and are complemented with small round red berries in the summer. The RHS has given this tree an Award of Merit.

We sell the Photinia fraseri as a full feathered tree, as a standard clear-stem tree, in pleached form and as an instant hedge.

Ideal Conditions: Chalk-free, moist but well-drained soil, sunny to semi-shaded location

Maximum Height: 6 metres


Prunus laurocerasus Novita

With its dense, dark leaves, Prunus laurocerasus Novita (cherry laurel) is commonly planted as a screening, but is equally attractive as feature specimen tree. It grows in an upright, broad habit. Fresh green leaves emerge and get darker and glossier with age. In spring, mature trees produce a display of white blossom, which grow on upright racemes. The Leaves and fruit can be harmful if ingested, so be cautious when planting near livestock or children.

Ideal Conditions: Grows well in most soil

Maximum Height: 5 metres


Ligustrum japonicum

This Japanese privet is a compact, small sized evergreen tree with shining olive-green foliage.  Large clusters of white flower appear in late summer and are an attractive addition to this useful tree.

Ligustrum japonicum is an ideal tree for garden screening and is a tough performing species that will thrive on most soils, although it is best to avoid very water logged areas.

Ideal Conditions: Grows well in most soil

Maximum Height: 2-3 metres


Planting tips

Autumn is a great time to plant trees, giving them ample time to establish a good root system for strong branches and lush foliage in the following growing season.

To encourage roots to grow out in search of water and nutrients, prepare the soil thoroughly over a much larger area than just the planting hole – break up compaction at the base of the planting hole to allow deep rooting.

If you need assistance we can also plant the trees we supply.


More Information

If you would like to know what tree might be suitable for your garden, contact our Horticultural team who will be able to advise you.



Large trees newly planted in a garden
After The Storm Trees

After the Storm!

If your garden is looking a little worse for wear after the recent storms, we may be able to help!

We have a range of mature specimen trees that may be a perfect replacement for any of yours that have been damaged or blown over. Also, if your fence panels have taken a battering, you could consider replacing them with our Practical Instant Hedge™.


Semi-Mature Trees

We have a range of trees available at our nursery in Iver, both evergreen and deciduous. We also source top quality trees from across Europe, so our customers have the best trees available.

Our trees are supplied in a range of sizes:

  • Girth measurement of 18cm to 100cm i.e. measurement around the tree stem at 1m high, for clear stemmed trees
  • Heights of 2-12m for feathered evergreen trees

Instant Hedges

We have over 20 years’ experience in developing, maintaining, and planting instant hedging, including own Practical Instant Hedge™ which is grown in 1m long pieces here at our nursery in Iver, Buckinghamshire. This hedging provides immediate impact and maturity to many private gardens and landscaping projects.

Our Instant Hedges are:

  • pre grown and sold by the linear metre, rather than as individual plants
  • available to plant all year round
  • supplied between 0.8m to 2m high

The Complete Service

We offer a truly comprehensive service, from planning, preparation, and planting to aftercare.

Contact our horticultural team for more details

Japanese Maple
The Best Autumn Trees With Beautiful Colours [12 trees we recommend]

The Best Trees for Beautiful Autumn Colours

The Best Autumn Trees are great for gardens, creating structure and seasonal interest, with the following trees offering beautiful autumnal colour.  Position such trees well and they will make an ideal focal point, that they can be enjoyed now and for future generations.

We have a range of quality trees for suitable as specimens, screening or for small gardens; just ask our horticultural experts.

Here is a selection of our top trees for colourful displays in your autumn garden. When choosing a tree, consider the space you have available, planting a selection of trees, if space allows, can provide rich contrast and seasonal interest.

Trees offering great autumn colours

  1. Acer palmatum (Japanese Maple)Best Autumn Trees
  2. Acer rubrum (Red Maple)
  3. Amelanchier Ballerina (Serviceberry Ballerina)
  4. Betula utilis jacquemontii (West Himalayan Birch)
  5. Cercidiphyllum japonicum (Katsura Tree)
  6. Euonymus europaeus (Spindle)
  7. Fagus sylvatica (Common beech)
  8. Ginkgo biloba (Maidenhair tree)
  9. Liquidambar styraciflua (Sweet Gum)
  10. Malus tschonoskii (Chonosuki crab)
  11. Nyssa sylvatica (Tupelo/Black Gum)
  12. Sorbus aucuparia Joseph Rock (Rowan Joseph Rock)


Acer palmatum (Japanese Maple)

Japanese Maples are prized for their gorgeous foliage, deeply lobed leaves, which emerge a vivid green and turn to shades of red, orange and yellow in autumn. Acer palmatum is an excellent choice for smaller gardens, as it grows to around 5m.


Acer rubrum (Red Maple)

These Red Maple trees are renowned for their spectacular scarlet autumn hues which emerge a pale yellow in spring gradually darkening to dark green in summer, turning bright red in autumn. The winter twigs have a red hue, as do its tiny spring flowers, providing additional interest.


Amelanchier Ballerina (Serviceberry Ballerina)

This tough, hardy small tree has masses of spring flowers. The bright green leaves turn brilliant red in the autumn, emerging in conjunction with rounded fruits which are initially red in summer before turning black in the autumn. Also known as June Berry or Serviceberry Ballerina


Betula utilis jacquemontii (West Himalayan Birch)

The bright white bark of this elegant himalayan birch tree peels each year, revealing the next layer of perfectly accentuated by lenticels lines. Its delicate, dark green foliage turn golden yellow in autumn.


Cercidiphyllum japonicum (Katsura Tree)

This tree has pretty foliage that emerges bronze in spring before turning light green in the Summer. Autumn brings brilliant displays of orange yellow and red, accompanied by the smell of burnt sugar and candy floss which drifts gently in the breeze.


Euonymus europaeus (Spindle)

A small spreading tree, the Spindle has small yellow flowers, followed in autumn by 4-lobed red fruits which split to reveal orange seeds. The narrow leaves are dark green in summer turning yellow-green to reddish-purple in autumn.


Fagus sylvatica (Beech)

Beech tree’s small leaves are a fresh green when they emerge and become a stunning orange-copper and gold in autumn, which often hang on the tree throughout winter.


Ginkgo biloba (Maidenhair tree ‘Autumn Gold’)

The Maidenhair Tree has bright green fan-shaped leaves. In autumn time, these wonderfully shaped leaves turn a clear and bright yellow and work well planted in contrast with other species that will give red autumn colour.


Liquidambar styraciflua (Sweet Gum)

Liquidambar produces large, 5-7 lobed, star-shaped leaves which emerge bright green in the spring then changing to fabulous red, purple and gold colours throughout the autumn; Liquidambar is one of the very best trees for autumn colour and one of the last deciduous trees to drop its leaves.


Malus tschonoskii (Chonosuki crab)

In the spring the young leaves of this tree emerge almost white. They have many spectacular shades in Autumn, from purple and copper through orange to yellow. The winter buds are a remarkable brownish-red colour and glossy.


Nyssa sylvatica (Tupelo)

The Tupelo or black gum is a wonderful tree for autumn foliage with its green summer leaves turning fiery red/ and orange in autumn.


Sorbus aucuparia Joseph Rock (Rowan Joseph Rock)

This Mountain Ash has small, narrow dark green leaves that turn a flame red in the autumn time.  The creamy white flowers hang in clusters, appearing around May-June.  These are followed by interestingly creamy yellow berries, whose colour contrasts fantastically with the bright red autumn colour.


Foxglove tree heat tolerant
Top 10 Trees for hot dry summers

Drought Tolerant Trees

Trees are a great addition to almost any garden, creating structure and seasonal interest.  Gardens provide a sanctuary and respite from the busy world and planting trees are adapted to hotter, drier climates could be useful to these changing climatic conditions.

Here we list our top 10 trees that are suitable for hot dry or heat wave summers.

We have a range of quality trees for suitable as specimens, screening or for small gardens; just ask our horticultural experts.

Top 10 Trees for hot dry summers

  1. Betula pendula (Silver Birch)
  2. Catalpa bignonioides (Indian Bean Tree)
  3. Cercis siliquastrum (Judas tree)
  4. Corylus colurna (Turkish Hazel)
  5. Crataegus crusgalli (Cockspur thorn)
  6. Ginkgo biloba (Maidenhair Tree)
  7. Gleditsia triacanthos (Honey Locust Sunburst)
  8. Koelreuteria paniculata (Golden Rain Tree)
  9. Paulownia tomentosa (Foxglove Tree)
  10. Pyrus calleryana Chanticleer (Callery Pear)


  1. Betula pendula

This tree, more commonly known as a Silver Birch, has an elegant appearance. As a young tree it has a distinctive white bark with darker lines and shapes decorating the trunk. Its main branches are long and often grow horizontally, creating a semi weeping habit.  The Pendula produces yellow catkins in the spring and light green foliage that shoots early and becomes orange-yellow in the autumn. This is a hardy tree which is frost resistant and regularly the first to grow back on bare or damaged land.

  1. Catalpa bignonioides

The Indian Bean tree originates from America. It is a magnificent medium to large tree which comes into leaf late and produces exotic orchid-like flowers in mid-summer followed by beans in the autumn. The leaves turn a pale yellow in the autumn. A good specimen tree.

  1. Cercis siliquastrum

Cercis siliquastrum is a bushy, deciduous small tree which produces its bloom straight from the trunk and stems. The rosy-lilac, pea-like flowers cover the wood in May, producing a stunning floral display that is quite uncharacteristic of a tree. Following the flowers, the bright green, almost heart shaped leaves are developed on the Judas tree, later accompanied by dark purple tinted seed pods in July.

  1. Corylus colurna

Also known as the Turkish Hazel, Corylus colurna is a stately and imposing tree at maturity. Its leaves are bright green and are broadly heart shaped. During the early spring long, yellow catkins are produced, followed by clusters of nuts that are contained in frilly looking husks in autumn.  It has a rough, corky bark that becomes more distinguished as it matures.

  1. Crataegus crusgalli

Crataegus crusgalli (or Cockspur thorn) is a small tree with horizontal, spreading branches and a flat-topped shape at maturity. It has showy white flowers, brick-red fruits, glossy summer and vibrant, multi-coloured autumn foliage, and bold winter texture.

  1. Ginkgo biloba

The Ginkgo biloba or Maidenhair Tree has bright green fan-shaped leaves, with two leaf blades. In autumn time, these wonderfully shaped leaves turn a clear and bright yellow. Ginkgo biloba forms a large specimen with a conical shape at maturity. It is extremely hardy and is a great choice for parks and avenues. Mature female plants produce fruits which bear a distinctive smell.

  1. Gleditsia triacanthos Sunburst

The Gleditsia triacanthos or Honey Locust Sunburst is a pretty and delicate looking tree which has a rounded and spreading form. The frond-like foliage is often late to appear, emerging a brilliant lime yellow colour and ageing to light green as the summer progresses. Unlike its parent, this cultivar is thornless.

  1. Koelreuteria paniculata

Koelreuteria paniculata is known as Pride of India, or the Golden Rain Tree. Its profuse small yellow flowers develop in late spring and these form lantern-shaped fruits that turn red in the autumn when its green leaves turn a rich yellow. Grow as a specimen tree in well-drained or moist but well-drained soil in full sun Golden Rain Tree thrives best on free draining soils with a sunny aspect.

  1. Paulownia tomentosa

The Paulownia tomentosa  or Foxglove tree, is a pretty and an unusual tree; it has extremely large, bright green, hairy leaves which can reach up to 30cm across and appear to come directly from the bare wood of the tree. In May this tree will produce large spikes of rich purple flowers, very similar to the foxglove. It is fast growing and sprawling, the wood is very light making it easy to prune. Paulownia tomentosa does best in sunny, reasonably sheltered sites.

  1. Pyrus calleryana Chanticleer

The Pyrus calleryana Chanticleer or Callery Pear is a medium tree, with side branches stretching upwards creating a narrow, conical shape. It has ovoid leaves, which emerge as early as March and are a glossy, lush green which last through to November, when they change to a reddish-purple before falling. It produces a small, pear-shaped fruit around 1 cm thick.
Pyrus calleryana Chanticleer is a very hardy tree and is resistant to frost, heat, wind and pollution.

Trees specimen and semi mature
Top Quality Containerised Trees

Top Quality Containerised Trees

Available for Planting Now

Comprehensive Range

Practicality Brown’s tree nursery specialises in large trees, both evergreen and deciduous. With a combination of home grown and outsourced specimen and semi mature trees, we offer a broad range which includes many native UK species; trees that are suitable all occasions.

Containerised Trees

We have an excellent selection of beautiful trees that are available in containers and are ready to plant now, ahead of the traditional root ball season. These trees are in girth sizes 20cm to 65cm, up to 8m high.

All our acclimatised containerised stock has been carefully tended to at our nursery to ensure it is ready for delivery in perfect condition. We continually monitor conditions to ensure that trees are in the peak condition for planting, paying close attention to bio security and plant health management.

From delicate Acers (Maples), fully feathered Magnolia grandiflora to pleached Quercus palustris (Pin Oaks) and classic English Yew, there is something on the list for everyone.

Magnolia grandiflora fully feathered

Magnolia grandiflora

Image of a Yew Taxus baccata 1.5m element

Yew Taxus baccata 1.5m elements

Quercus palustris Specimen tree

Pleached Pin Oak

The trees detailed on this list are those we currently have in stock at our nursery; the heights and girths reflect actual sizes of these individual trees. The availability can daily, so please call to confirm availability of particular stock.  All prices shown are ex vat and exclude delivery, please use our enquiry form to request a detailed quotation.

We would be delighted to see you at our nursery in Iver, Buckinghamshire; please make an appointment to ensure one of our team are available to show you around.  We are located near to M4, M25 and M40 junctions, about 6 miles from Heathrow Airport and 15 miles from London and just 1 mile from Iver Station, with trains from London Paddington.

We look forward to welcoming you onto our nursery soon.

Cherry laurel is a great screening tree
Creating Privacy with Screening Trees

Screening Trees

Prunus laurocerasus Novita`

Privacy in your garden can be created using trees to hide or screen out an undesirable view; they can also be used to draw the eye to a specific feature.

Trees grown for this purpose often have a clear stem i.e. no leaves on the lower trunk; they reach up to fence panel height of around 1.8-2m with a full bushy canopy above, forming a good screen above the fence line. This type of screening is particularly useful if you are overlooked by neighbouring properties or would like to retain lower level exposure to an attractive wall or area.  Screening trees can be designed to create a focus point, perhaps to make the most of a feature.


Type of Privacy

It is a good idea to consider what you are aiming to screen out. For example are you directly overlooked by a neighbouring property, or would you like to filter out a large building or structure? Also consider the angle you are viewing from, as this may help choosing the right tree for your needs.

Practicality Brown’s semi-mature trees can be planted to achieve effective screening from the offset with evergreens being preferred for this purpose as they screen throughout the year.  However, a planting scheme that includes deciduous trees can provide rich contrast and seasonal interest.


Cherry Laurel

Prunus laurocerasus Novita close up

Prunus laurocerasus Novita, a dense evergreen tree, is popularly used for screening due to its upright and bushy habit and its

resilience to cold weather. In April small, fragrant, white flowers grow in vertical racemes about 12cm long which are followed by small glossy, black fruit.

We have semi-mature containerised Prunus laurocerasus Novita with a 1.8m clear-stem, available now.

The Cherry Laurel grows well in most soil and conditions, preferring moist slightly acidic soil.  Pruning in late spring to helps to retain its shape and encourages new growth.  If planting in a row, the optimum distance for the clear stem is with 1.2-1.5m spacing.

Trees from Practicality Brown

We can supply a range of top quality trees for decorative or screening, which are particularly useful to create privacy in your garden.   These include feathered trees that have full growth from the ground upwards and offer the same screening ability.  A mix planting of evergreen and deciduous trees, if space allows, can be an attractive solution.

We also have a range of pleached trees which can be used in the same way; pleached trees can be effective for a formal screen and where space is limited.

Root-balled Trees and Transplanting

Bare root trees

Autumn heralds wonderful colours and falling leaves but for growers the cooler soils signify the ideal time to start transplanting trees and shrubs. Specimen trees, typically too large for containers, are systematically transplanted by skilled growers and root-balled with a compact root system, which enables trees to be re-located without stress or shock. This process continues into the winter when the trees are fully dormant making it perfect to transplant them.

Practicality Brown’s preferred growers throughout UK and Europe are now preparing and shipping  those trees selected and reserved during the summer, either to our nursery in Iver or direct to site to satisfy clients requirements.

These trees have their root system carefully enclosed and held in place with wire-wrapped hessian, which ensures the soil remains in contact with the roots throughout lifting, transportation and planting operations. Our root-ball trees have been prepared by being ‘undercut’ i.e. root pruned or transplanted several times (every 3 years for Deciduous and 4 years for Evergreen) to encourage the development of a fibrous root system.

The root ball season is now open; please call us to discuss your requirements. We can advise on preparation, planting and aftercare too.

Formal Private Garden, Buckinghamshire

A client with a Grade II listed manor house in Buckinghamshire appointed garden designer Caroline Davy, who created a beautiful formal garden.

Practicality Brown Ltd supplied and planted specimen trees, topiary and instant hedging, after winning a competitive tender. Planting included elegant Hornbeam Square Columns, taxus pyramids and a line of Box head Hornbeam trees (Carpinus betulus).