Occupational Health & Safety Policy

To enable continued success of the business, we will ensure our operations are conducted in a way as to safeguard the occupational health, safety and welfare of all employees and other persons who may be affected by our activities.

At Practicality Brown Ltd we regard the Health, Safety and Welfare of our employees,
subcontractors, suppliers and the public to be of the upmost importance. Our policy is to create an
environment in which no one is harmed, we are committed to provide a safe and healthy working
environment, ensuring the prevention of work-related injury and ill health.

We will provide this by:

• Leading from the top
• Ensuring compliance with all statutory requirements and codes of practice
• Identifying the hazards associated with our activities and removing and mitigating the risk
where reasonably practicable
• Ensuring that employees are properly informed, instructed and trained
• Ensuring accurate reporting and investigation of all accidents, with the aim to eliminate
future harm
• Encouraging discussion and consultation with our workforce, with a view to promoting and
developing measures to ensure health and safety at work
• Providing sufficient resources for the management of health and safety

It is the responsibility of every individual to:

• Undertake their works activities in a safe manner
• Look out for themselves and their colleagues
• Stop and seek guidance if they believe something is unsafe
• Report any unsafe acts or conditions
• Comply with all health and safety requirements
• Understand their impact on health, safety and wellbeing to themselves and others at the

Continual improvement of our occupational health and safety performance is achieved by active
promotion through the provision of information, training, instruction, supervision and regular

This Policy will be communicated to all persons working under the control of the organisation and
will be made available to interested parties on request.